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Trevor's Blog: On the Plus side
Trevor Dickinson from A-EON Technology published a new article in his "Trevor's Blog" yesterday. Among other things, he explains why the delivery of the A1222 Plus motherboards, which began a week ago, has been delayed again: "The original batch of boards received over a month ago worked well but did not include the onboard USB headers and had to be sent back to the manufacturer for minor rework. Also a revision change by the MCU manufacturer meant the onboard temperature sensor was not read correctly and the CPU fan did not spin up. When designing the motherboard, Varisys, the original hardware developer, did not think a CPU fan was necessary but included one as an extra precaution." The problem was solved by modifying the MCU programming firmware.

As Trevor Dickinson further reports, other people besides AAA Technology were involved in making the release of the A1222 Plus possible: Steven Solie, for example, developed an extremely fast and simple, but very powerful recovery USB drive that ensures that all necessary OS4.1 and enhancer software files are installed correctly, and Alexandre Balaban created a fully updated AmigaOS 4.1-ISO. (dr)

[News message: 15. Mar. 2024, 06:33] [Comments: 0]
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