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On our own behalf: Changes to the team, Nico Barbat returns
Nico Barbat, a long-time demoscene member and well-known Amiga journalist, joined the team back in 2000. Initially taking care of the job exchange Free Amiga Jobs, he intensified the cooperation between the print magazine "Amiga Plus", for which he was responsible as editor-in-chief, and our news service in the following years until he finally took over management of at the end of 2003.

Anyone who knows Nico Barbat knows that even after his final retirement from the team in 2011, the Amiga never really let go of him: There was always talk of projects, possibilities were explored or connections were made. The "official" return with the founding of the publishing house "Look Behind You" in 2022 now also has positive consequences for The ex-boss is back in the team. There is no longer a job exchange to look after, but there is still plenty of work for experienced editors ;)

We also welcome Markus 'IM_Petrow' Bonet, a long-time reader, to the team: as server administrator, Markus will take care of the technical infrastructure on which our largely self-developed content management system runs. We would like to thank our two (more or less) "newcomers" for their support.

Editor's note: To ensure the independence of our reporting, articles on projects by Nico Barbat's publishing house Look Behind You or his LBY business partner Simon Neumann (including Alinea) will continue to be written exclusively by other editors. (cg)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2024, 20:51] [Comments: 0]
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