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22.Feb.2024 (ANF)

Coders wanted for an AGA remake of Cryos 'Dune'
Graphic designer 'barjack' is designing a remake of Cryo's classic adventure Dune for AGA based Amiga computers. The new version will preserve the original story, but expand it with new locations, characters and storylines. On top of that it is intended to look a lot better, given that it targets AGA and uses the full PAL resolution - a few example illustrations are supposed to showcase the improved visuals:

Several planned changes to the gameplay have been outlined so far:
  • Battles will be fought in an isometric 3D environment, they will be turn based affairs inspired by tactical RPGs
  • The resource management part of the game will be expanded with additional trade options
  • 6 new characters from Frank Herbert's ScienceFiction novel that the original game is based on
  • bigger playfield: the palace is mentioned as an example - it will contain 42 locations now, not just 11
  • All locations and characters will feature their own illustrations, all groups will feature their own leader
Barjack has announced his project on a few days ago, asking for interested coders - preferably native french speakers, to make communication easier. He states he has been contacted by three interested programmers so far, they will be supplied with detailed specifications of his design to see if they're interested to implement it.

Work on the design was started in mid 2023. If the final game will run on a stock A1200 or require a 68030 and some FastRAM is yet to be determined. The game will be distributed for free, but barjack would like to create a limited run of a physical edition. (cg)

[News message: 22. Feb. 2024, 00:40] [Comments: 1 - 23. Feb. 2024, 16:52]
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