Emulation: BBoot bootloader V0.6 for QEMU
BBoot is a simple, minimal bootloader for loading AmigaOS on QEMU-emulated AmigaOne and Pegasos2 machines, written by Amiga QEMU developer Balaton Zoltan (amiga-news.de reported). It replaces amigaboot.of on Pegasos2 and slb_v2 on AmigaOne and simplifies the booting of AmigaOS 4 under QEMU. A firmware ROM is no longer required. The current version 0.6 solves problems when booting the AmigaOne machine with the latest QEMU 9 version.
As Balaton Zoltan kindly explains to us, this new version is currently only required for those users who compile QEMU themselves from the current Git master repository, from which version 9.0 will later emerge.
The developer has also provided a tutorial Booting AmigaOS 4.1 on QEMU with BBoot.
However, as Alinea, for example, has informed us, the AmigaOne version of AmigaOS 4 has not been available for some time despite ordering from Hyperion Entertainment. The company could not be reached for comment. (dr)
[News message: 17. Feb. 2024, 10:31] [Comments: 0]
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