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Apollo cards: File sharing tool "ApolloExplorer" v1.1.3 (update)
ApolloExplorer is a simple file exchange programme that can be used to transfer files from a PC to an Amiga running an Apollo card and vice versa over the network. A server software runs in the background on the Amiga and allows a client running on a PC with Windows, Linux or MacOS to connect to the Amiga and browse the local hard drives. This is the first stable version, while previous ones were still considered as beta versions. Changes:
  • A problem where certain Apollo Accelerator targeted distributions used an icon for the SD Card that didn't appear in the PC client browser has been fixed.
  • Similarly, FAT filesystems (SD Cards are formated such) will get the default icon if this available on the Amiga.
Update: (12.02.2024, 20:18, dr)

The developer has pointed out that his application should basically run on all Amigas that are equipped with sufficient CPU and RAM to run a web browser. For example, ApolloExplorer should work on PiStorm Amigas or 68030 Amigas. (dr)

[News message: 12. Feb. 2024, 10:46] [Comments: 0]
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