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Blog: Limitations of the HAM mode explained on the Hamulet engine
Recently, the developer of the game Hamulet - a demo version was included in issue 10 of the English-language Amiga magazine "WhatIFF?" - published a YouTube video that is intended to demonstrate as a proof-of-concept whether a puzzle or platform game could be feasible using the Hamulet engine in HAM and has the following features:
  • Large 8-way scrollable HAM screen with no visible fringing
  • Massive animated bobs (Blitter objects), the largest one being 144x170 pixels
  • Copper list to create a parallax effect of a "transparent" HAM screen, where the background sky gradient is visible and scrolls at a lower speed
  • Multiple animated sprites
  • Music by Virgill
  • Runs on Amiga 500, requires 1MB of chip
Appunti Digitali is an Italian website that deals with technology issues that the operators know or can judge from their own (professional) experience. The article now published under the title link deals with this video and the limitations of HAM. (dr)

[News message: 02. Feb. 2024, 09:35] [Comments: 0]
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