Demoparty: MountainBytes 2024 (Switzerland, 16.-18.02.)
Press release: rom February 16-18th, we finally rock the Swiss demoscene again! We have a packed program for you:
- Friday: Meteoriks 2024 Nomination Gala - with big demoshow
- Saturday: OHP, Music, Graphics, Oldschool & Newschool Realtime Compos
- Saturday: Game Music Composer Legend CoLD SToRAGE Live in Concert
- Sunday: Open Door for Interested Citizens, Prizegiving
Also, we’ll offer our Demomaking 101 Workshop again, for you to try out different (demo)tools, and give you time and space after the compos to talk and exchange with competitors.
So bring friends that you always felt could find a home in the demoscene, but could use some introduction first! Kids are welcome when supervised, for more information please check our website.
Please support us by preordering your ticket - for environmental reasons, t-shirts will only be available in presale. By donating to the event (called our Cowee-Bonds) you also help making this at all possible.
We are really looking forward to you, your releases and your good mood!
The MountainBytes Organisers (dr)
[News message: 20. Jan. 2024, 21:25] [Comments: 0]
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