Aminet uploads until 06.01.2024
The following files have been added until 06.01.2024 to Aminet:
Amix560.lha comm/amiex 1.1M 68k AmiExpress BBS system redevel...
netsurf.lha comm/www 8.1M OS4 Fast CSS capable web browser
netsurf_os3.lha comm/www 3.0M 68k Fast CSS capable web browser
clouds_motion.lha dev/amos 5K points coordinates extrapolation
weirdo_synth.lha dev/amos 219K simple synth for amos pro
EasyRapa.lha dev/hwood 9.6M 68k generate RapaGui simple app s...
xlink.lha dev/misc 33K 68k Virtual linking of AmigaDOS m...
xlist.lha dev/misc 20K 68k Analyze AmigaDOS modules + li...
MCE.lha game/edit 3.8M 68k Multi-game Character Editor
MCE-MOS.lha game/edit 4.1M MOS Multi-game Character Editor
MCE-OS4.lha game/edit 4.3M OS4 Multi-game Character Editor
ACE-MorphOS.lha misc/emu 2.0M MOS Amstrad CPC/CPC+ Emulator
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha misc/emu 5.3M MOS Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiVms.lha misc/emu 3.7M 68k Simulates OpenVMS commands
morsconv.lha text/misc 6K 68k Conv. text 2 various forms of...
PWGen.lha util/cli 5K OS4 Passwort Generator
ExportOrga.lha util/misc 1K Export your PolyOrga contacts...
ReportPlus.lha util/misc 661K 68k Multipurpose utility
ReportPlusMOS.lha util/misc 772K MOS Multipurpose utility
ReportPlus-OS4.lha util/misc 832K OS4 Multipurpose utility
[News message: 07. Jan. 2024, 08:30] [Comments: 0]
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