Apollo cards: File sharing tool "ApolloExplorer" v1.1.1 (update)
ApolloExplorer is a simple file exchange programme that can be used to transfer files from a PC to an Amiga running an Apollo card and vice versa over the network. A server software runs in the background on the Amiga and allows a client running on a PC with Windows, Linux or MacOS to connect to the Amiga and browse the local hard drives. Changes in version 1.1.0:
- Supports displaying of Amiga icons
- Icon mode is back in the file lister
- A new command line utility "acp" (works like scp on linux).
Update: (07.01.2024, 18:49, dr)
Meanwhile version 1.1.1 is available which fixes a crash that happens with corrupted .info files and restores the disk usage gauges. (dr)
[News message: 07. Jan. 2024, 07:08] [Comments: 0]
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