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Video series: Turning an Amiga 600 into a Classic Gaming Console
In a three-part series, two episodes have been published so far ((part 1, part 2), Wolfgang Kierdorf shows on his YouTube channel "RETRO is the new black" how he transforms an Amiga 600 into a retro game console for 4 players. As he told us, this project actually came about by chance, as he didn't want to have a bare Amiga 600 board lying around. All the components used are linked in the second video.

A third part of the video series will be published next week, in which HDMI will be added. In the meantime, there is also a version for the Amiga 500 (same case, only wider and deeper), as some users had asked for it, and the MiSTer/Raspberry Pi. The whole thing was designed in TinkerCad. (dr)

[News message: 05. Dec. 2023, 16:41] [Comments: 0]
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