Weather data: AmiWeatherForecast V1.4
AmiWeatherForecasts displays current weather information in a small window in the menu bar. It was written in the C programming language under Amiga OS 3.2 and uses data from OpenWeather (amiga-news.de reported). Changes in version 1.4:
- Encoding problem is solved
- Some languages removed
- Fixed any icons can be moved via drag and drop on WB
- Get Days and Months from locale
- Added use or not abbreviations for days and months
- Fixed the issue of color changes using system palette
- Removed calibration setting for height of the window
- Added 'Add to Pos Y of Text' button
Direct download: AmiWeatherForecasts1.4.lha (59 KB) (dr)
[News message: 26. Nov. 2023, 21:43] [Comments: 0]
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