Dungeon Crawler: Shadowmage - The Cursed Village
"Shadowmage - The Cursed Village" is set in a medieval world where the player is hired by some villagers to find a sacred stone that has been stolen by an evil mage. In search of it, you have to face giant wasps, skeletons and evil spirits. Main features of the game:
- Rules are somewhat based on Microlite20.
- 3 difficulty levels
- Many spells available
- 3 playable characters
- Save system
- Auto-map
- 12 levels to explore
- HD Installable
- Written in AMOS Pro
At least 2 MB RAM, harddrive and a 68030 processor are required, but recommended are faster Amiga systems like a Vampire or a 68060 processor. (dr)
[News message: 02. Nov. 2023, 06:08] [Comments: 0]
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