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Tool: SpriteSplitter v0.2 (update)
The basic idea of a spritesheet is to pack a series of images together into a single image. Dan 'zooperdan' Thoresen's "SpriteSplitter" reverses this: it is a simple tool for splitting a spritesheet image into separate images that can be used in the Scorpion Engine. This allows the user to save time when updating spritesheets by automating this process.

It is planned to expand the tool in the future:
  • Parameters to set start and end sprite index. This would let you split out a range of sprites from a larger spritesheet that contain lots of sprites.
  • Parameter for toggling Preserve Palette which let you keep original palette and it's index order.
  • Specify rects for spritesheets with irregularly shaped sprites.
Update: (22.10.2023, 15:25, dr)

Meanwhile, version 0.2 is already available. Changes:
  • Changed to named parameter/value pairs for clarity.
  • Added from and to parameters which let you specify range of sprites to be split/separated out from the spritesheet. This is very useful if you have a large unified spritesheet and you want to grab ranges from it and save to different places.
  • Changed so that when output is not specified SpriteSplitter uses the input as a base for the output instead.

[News message: 22. Oct. 2023, 07:36] [Comments: 0]
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