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20.Oct.2023 (ANF)

Amiga-compatible mainboard: Denise
For about 90 Euro the Amiga-compatible mainboard "Denise" from the Swedish developer Enterlogic should be available in principle, plus e.g. 14 Euro shipping costs to Germany - but currently it is listed as sold out since the end of June, a new batch is announced. Besides the bare board, one gets another PCB for the RAM and two microcontrollers including firmware to use also PC keyboard and mouse besides the original Amiga ones.

Once all other components, including the 68000 processor and the Amiga custom chips, have been found and soldered, the fully assembled Denise is said to be most comparable to an Amiga 500+ with two Zorro II slots. (snx)

[News message: 20. Oct. 2023, 20:55] [Comments: 0]
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