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Forum 64 (Webseite)

Joystick repairs: Replacement PCB for the Competition Pro Mini
The "Competition Pro Mini" is a miniaturized version of the well-known Competition Pro joystick. Thanks to their small size, the micro switches used in these joysticks aren't really up to the mechanical stress they're put through while playing games - which is why many surviving Minis are only partially functional these days: Some of the directions or fire buttons are not working anymore.

Unfortunately, micro switches with the exact same dimensions as the ones used in the Competition Pro Mini are no longer available. To solve this problem, a user has now designed a replacement PCB, that can use "F4T7-UL" micro switches from SAIA-BURGESS which are still available (example). The required files to manufacture the PCB have been published on Github in KiCad format. Once assembled, the PCB is a 1:1 replacement for the original component. (cg)

[News message: 16. Oct. 2023, 22:44] [Comments: 0]
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