Steffen Häuser (Mail)
AmigaOS 4: Update to Heretic II nearing completion (Update)
Since the beginning of the year Steffen Häuser has been working on an update for Heretic II for AmigaOS 4, which among other things should support HD modes. At the Amiga38 a preview of the game was already shown at the stands of Alinea Computer and HunoPPC (amiga-news.de reported). As he now informs us, he worked on the game again after the fair and created a new version. The most important changes:
- der gl4es-Renderer läuft nun ca. 20-25% schneller als die auf der Messe gezeigte Version
- der MiniGL-Renderer hat nun Multitexturing, was ebenfalls zu einer Performanceverbesserung führt
According to tests on his AmigaOne X1000, the new version now runs at 108 fps at 1024x768. UHD resolutions are also supported, which then requires an X5000.
Update: (16.10.2023, 19:45, cg)
Steffen Häuser confirms (German) in a forum posting that the OS4 version of Heretic II will only be available as a boxed copy for full retail price in a newly designed box (German), there are no plans for a free or cheaper update for registered customers. According to Häuser, a boxed edition was requested by his betatesters and physical distribution would result in a larger payment for his (quote) "quite time-consuming work" on the AmigaOS 4 port. (dr)
[News message: 16. Oct. 2023, 06:00] [Comments: 1 - 16. Oct. 2023, 19:55]
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