Amiwest: Presentations from Amigakit, A-EON and ExecSG
This weekend, "Amiwest 2023" took place in Sacramento, USA. As usual, all presentations from the show were streamed live over the internet - the recordings of the streams from the first and second day are available on Youtube. The following is a brief summary of the important points discussed in the presentations from Trevor Dickinson (A-EON), Steven Solie (ExecSG) and Matthew Leaman (Amigakit):
Dickinson's presentation was the same one he gave at Amiga 38 a week earlier: A summary of all A-EON hardware projects so far followed by announcements of Enhancer 2.3 and the virtual RTG driver Virtio. LibreOffice - last year's presentation claimed (again) that it was to enter betatesting "soon" - was not mentioned at all.
Steven Solie's very short presentation did not go into the developments around ExecSG that were announced last year - like multicore support or an update for the X1000 firmware 'CFE'. Instead, he introduced himself as the "Release Manager" for A1222+, listed the companies and people involved with that project and explained that Amedia France is working on a recovery USB stick that will contain all components required for setting up a new A1222+ system - like up-to-date drivers for modern graphics cards.
Matthew Leaman introduced Amigakit's latest hardware project and demonstrated its graphical user interface: A600 GS is a supposedly ARM based console that emulates various Amiga setups (pictures of the case and controller), the device features HDMI video output, USB ports and two (optional) 9 pin connectors for Amiga joysticks and mice. The screenshots below show the graphical user interface used to configure the emulation and run games, applications or scene demos.
The operating system running on the emulated Amiga is a patched AROS Kickstart ROM coupled with recompiled components from the Enhancer package. It also features a completely new icon set which can be seen in the screenshots below. Endusers can install their own Kickstart ROMs, RTG support is "in development". System updates will be installed from the net, a custom version of Amigakit's "AMIStore" is planned but will not be ready at launch.
Leaman hopes that the device will be available in early 2024, back in August it was stated that Amigakit is aiming for a price of "less than GBP 100".
Pictures from Matthew Leaman's presentation
(cg) (Translation: cg)
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