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'Sosi' in Amiga-News comment area

Announcement: Workbench distribution AmiKit for PiStorm/PiStorm-lite
In addition to the existing versions for Raspberry Pi, Windows, Mac and Linux, the workbench distributions AmiKit will soon also be available for the PiStorm and PiStorm-lite (YouTube video). The hardware and software requirements can already be seen under the title link.

As the developer tells us, after almost a year of hard work AmiKit for PiStorm has reached gold status and will be available for purchase at the Amiga38 event. The physical product will come pre-installed with a 32GB or 64GB microSD card in a very special branded case. Only a limited number of units will be available on the event.

The website will be launched on the same day - 7 October - and online orders will be available just a few days later. The number of units will also be limited. The price is ¤39.95 for the 32 GB version and ¤49.95 for the 64 GB version. (dr)

[News message: 30. Sep. 2023, 20:29] [Comments: 0]
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