Pawel Tukatsch (Mail)
Platform game: Tony demo version v1.2
Tony by Monochrome Productions is a monochrome platform game that is now available in version 1.2 on Aminet (YouTube video). After the programmer Paweł 'tukinem' Tukatsch first had written games like Farmiga in AMOS, he switched to the Blitz Basic 2 programming language and "trained" his skills with games like Ami-Tower or Wood Block Puzzle. Tony is now to be the first major game written with Blitz Basic 2, which is a tribute to the Polish journalist and travel writer Tony Halik.
As an explorer in the style of Indiana Jones, you travel through ancient ruins and try to avoid snakes, creepy insects and deadly pits with spikes. There are also various keys to find. In the new demo version 1.2, there is a new game menu and the entry of a code at the end of a level has been removed. Instead, you now have to collect the last key. In addition, throwing potions from the inventory has been removed: if you collect a key and have a full inventory, a potion turns into a key by itself.
If you are in the mood for some visual variety, you can now try out different colour palettes in the settings. (dr)
[News message: 18. Aug. 2023, 06:56] [Comments: 2 - 19. Aug. 2023, 06:02]
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