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AMOS: Eclips animation in "Projects in the attic" updated
At the end of November, the game developer group "Electric Black Sheep" had published a collection of games under the name "Projects in the attic", which were created for test purposes with the programming language AMOS ( reported). Included was the game "Eclips", in which you steer an owl through a landscape that is always the same. The group added the archive "EclipsAnim.rar" to this game, which offered a complete animation in the sense of changing landscapes. This was updated today and the member Sövény Imre explained us:

"By default, I can't put a blitter object on top of an iff animation, because AMOS automatically updates the surface underneath to a previous state when the blitter object is moved.

That's why so far I could only move sprites over it, because it didn't spoil it, but in that way I could move one "large" sprite over it.

In the new upload, however, there are several large blitter objects above it. It's slow, but worth a try." (dr)

[News message: 12. Aug. 2023, 21:52] [Comments: 0]
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