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Robosaurus Spielothek (ANF)

Video report: Amiga Ruhrpott Convention 2023 (German)
Dominic Ortmanns visited the Amiga Ruhrpott Convention in Duisburg-Rheinhausen, Germany, on May 6, 2023 and recorded his impressions in a video at the title link (Camera: Jürgen Weißenfels, Graphics: Jan Reineke). His summary of the "small but nice Amiga fair, from fans for fans":

"This event is the first of its kind. That makes it especially interesting to see what the organizers around 'T!nomania' [and CZ-Tunes] have done here. I can already tell you that I was very impressed.

I could meet many nice people from the Amiga community and had some very interesting conversations.

This was definitely the hard core of Amiga hardware and software enthusiasts. You could play, buy, drink, chat with developers, YouTubers, podcasters and other organizers, and there was even a raffle of exquisite prizes.

So in my opinion, especially for the first attempt of an own Amiga convention, a precision landing.

But if you want to know all the details of my opinion, you should still watch the video." (snx)

[News message: 18. May. 2023, 08:07] [Comments: 0]
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