Platformer: Tech Demo "Space Cavern Blaster" v0.12 (update)
As entry to the Retro Platform Jam #6, 'dotmos' has released a cross-system platformer for Amiga 500, Atari ST, C64, DOS and Sega Megadrive as a proof of concept (YouTube video).
On the technical implementation, the author wrotes: Game mechanics and boilerplate code is programmed in C and is the same codebase for all platforms. Each platform has custom implementations for rendering/drawing, music, sound, input, asset loading and gametime. The codebase is then cross compiled using VBCC (Amiga, Atari ST, C64), DJGPP (DOS) or SGDK (Megadrive).
Update: (09.05.2022, 05:22, dr)
Meanwhile, version 0.12 is available, in which the author fixed some bugs and added two new enemy types as well as three new levels. In total, the game now has 12 levels. (dr)
[News message: 08. May. 2023, 21:06] [Comments: 0]
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