Demoparty: Results of the "68k Inside"
Last weekend, the "68k Inside" demoparty took place in Finland. Among other things, a competition was also held there in the following categories: "Low end demo", "Combined intro", "256 byte intro", "Combined Music" and "Combined Graphics". The organisers have now published both the results and a live recording of the competition.
Amiga productions also made it to the top places: In the category "Low-end demo", HAMazing (YouTube video) by Desire took first place, and Fortocalypse (YouTube video) by The Electronic Knights came in second.
In the "Combined intro" category, Smooth Flowing (YouTube video) by Dekadence took first place and Calling For Cracktros (YouTube video) by Nah-Kolor came in second. (dr)
[News message: 08. May. 2023, 09:41] [Comments: 0]
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