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Frank (ANF)

Puzzle game: Connect v1.3
In the puzzle game "Connect" (screenshots), you have to connect a series of ICs in such a way that each chip receives exactly the number of connections printed on its package. Developer Frank Röger has written about the now released version 1.3:

"Hello Amiga News! 4 weeks ago Virtual Dimension played "Connect" on their channel (YouTube video, German) and came to a positive result. Nevertheless, our sharp eye discovered two inconsistencies which we have fixed with this new version:

1. Resetting the game field
Yes, we have been asked a few times in the past how to reset the playing field. We can now answer this question as follows:

For player 1 this would be the Q key, for player 2 the P key.

2. Locking the joystick button in the result screen in BattleMode
Two players want to play against each other and have selected the mode that one player gets a point if he solved the game field first. The moment player A clicks on Verify and the check is positive, the result screen is immediately displayed.
In our opinion, however, it is unfortunate if player B does not notice this and presses the fire button himself just at the moment when "Solved" is displayed for player A. This causes the fire button to be pressed. This makes the fire button event count as if the result screen is to be closed. This happens especially when things are very hectic. We have solved this problem by displaying the result screen for at least 1 second before a player input is registered.

The update is available for buyers at the title link.

We hope you have fun playing!

Frank" (dr)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2023, 05:59] [Comments: 0]
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