Trevor's Amiga Blog: Spring/Fall edition
Trevor Dickinson of A-EON Technology has published a new article in his "Trevor's Amiga Blog" and titles it "Spring/Autumn Edition", alluding to his recent stays in England and New Zealand.
He reports in detail about the upcoming visits to various trade fairs and events and extensively interviews and tests the chatbot ChatGPT under Linux on his AmigaOne X5000, as neither Odyssey under AmigaOS 4, nor Wayfarer under MorphOS were able to do so. In this context he also reports in detail about the new Fienix distribution.
He also informs that David Pleasance has found and hired a printer for the second and third volume of the Vultures to Vampires trilogy based in India. It is expected that the books will arrive at the German supplier in mid-June.
News about the A1222+ he will provide in his next issue. (dr)
[News message: 20. Apr. 2023, 14:09] [Comments: 1 - 21. Apr. 2023, 15:17]
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