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Windows: Embedding media files into Amiga RAM for usage in own programs
'RetroNick', the author of the Sprite/Icon/Map editor "Raster Master" for Windows 10/11, has released "Hunkster" (named after the Hunk format), a Windows program that allows programmers to convert media files so that they are loaded by the Amiga into its memory, if necessary also specifically into Chip or Fast RAM. In the source code of a custom C or Pascal program, their address in memory can then be transferred to a variable or an array, respectively, and used for execution.

The author himself is only interested in publishing the Windows version, but a version for Linux is just as possible. Interested developers should then fork his repository and adapt the name (for example "LinuxHunkster"). (dr)

[News message: 16. Apr. 2023, 06:25] [Comments: 0]
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