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Preview video: Final Fight Enhanced
More than a year ago, 'Prototron' had published a first preview video of his improved implementation of Capcom's Final Fight written in machine language ( reported). Now that he has almost completely rewritten the game code, he published a new video a few days ago, which presents the 2-player mode as well as new music.

Unlike the first video, this version runs on an Amiga with a 68000 processor, ECS and 2MB chip RAM. As the author writes, there would also have been a version for Amigas with 1MB and OCS, but unlike the Megadrive and SNES, the Amiga would not have the hardware capability to flip a sprite horizontally. The extra memory would serve to store flipped sprites, resulting in smoother gameplay as it takes any unnecessary graphical load off the CPU. There would still be a lot to optimise - with four enemies on the screen it gets a bit sluggish - but progress would be made. (dr)

[News message: 10. Mar. 2023, 05:40] [Comments: 0]
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