Puzzle game: ArtPazz 1.4 (AGA)
In ArtPazz, the goal is to put the jumbled pieces of each classic painting back in their original place by moving them around (video). The puzzle game was created with AMOS Professional for AGA-Amigas and is free, but the author also allows you to pay a voluntary price.
Simone 'saimo' Bevilacqua has now released version 1.4, which includes the following changes:
- Fixed endless floppy drive motor spinning
- Recompiled against ALS v2.3.
- Optimized executable with custom tool.
- Touched up manual.
- Changed the conditions of many If, Until and While statements and turned For ... Next loops into Repeat ... Until loops to have the AMOS Professional Compiler produce shorter and faster code.
[News message: 21. Feb. 2023, 14:02] [Comments: 0]
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