Alfred Faust (ANF)
MIDI sequencer: BarsnPipes 1.3 for MorphOS
In January, Alfred Faust made available a MorphOS port of the MIDI sequencer BarsnPipes, which he maintains. A now released update was created with the support of Frank Mariak and Antoine Dubourg from the MorphOS team, it eliminates some critical bugs and optimises the MIDI transmission. In addition, the user interface has been better adapted to MorphOS, for example, all screen modes of MorphOS can now be used.
Furthermore, new MIDI tools have been created to manage up to 16 USB MIDI interfaces of BarsnPipes - i.e. each MIDI interface transmits 16 MIDI channels (instruments). Thus, theoretically, up to 256 independent MIDI channels (instruments) could be used in BarsnPipes.
According to the author, the programme now runs much more stable on the various MorphOS systems and has become more user-friendly. In addition, the latest version now starts even if no MIDI interfaces are connected. (cg)
[News message: 02. Feb. 2023, 23:09] [Comments: 0]
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