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The Amiga as a musical instrument: Paulimba
Linus 'lft' Åkesson has been an active part of the demoscene for a good 25 years, composing music for numerous demos and music discs for Amiga and C64 as 'Lairfight' or 'lft'. Last year he built "The Commodordion": an 8-bit accordion consisting mainly of two C64 keyboards, floppy disks and gaffer tape. As he says himself, he has started programming for the Amiga again after more than 20 years and has now written "Paulimba", a program to play live music on the keyboard of an Amiga (600).

"Paulimba" is a portmanteau of "Paula", the sound chip of the Amiga, and "Kalimba", a musical instrument from Africa that belongs to the lamellophones: the music produced on the keyboard sounds like a kalimba. In his blog entry under the title link as well as in the accompanying YouTube video, he explains in detail how he achieved this. (dr)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2023, 06:57] [Comments: 0]
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