CS-Lab (ANF)
CS-Lab: Warp firmware pack 1.400
CS-Lab released a firmware update for their 68060-based Warp accelerator boards. Changes in version 1.400 include:
- Hardware sprite in RTG modes
- Additional RTG hardware acceleration:
- BliltTemplate
- BlitPattern
- BlitRectNoMaskComplete
- P96 monitor file tooltypes support:
- NOBLITTER=Yes (disable hw acceleration)
- SOFTSPRITE=Yes (disable hw sprite)
(note that these options are mainly for debug/troubleshooting, so should be inactive by default)
- Fixed displaying screens larger than surrent resolution. Correct panning and autoscroll
- P96 driver partially rewritten in machine code
- P96 driver compiled and tested using recent SDK from icomp.de
- WiFi password hidden by default in WarpDiag and WarpTool
- MC68060 internal temperature sensor auto offset calibration
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
[News message: 16. Jan. 2023, 19:40] [Comments: 0]
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