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CD32 adventure game: Wrong Way Back
Richard Perrin is a former indie game developer who wrote, among other things, the science fiction adventure game The White Chamber (Wikipedia entry). In his spare time, he continues to develop adventures for retro systems. As he explains to us, he never owned an Amiga growing up and was always envious of AMOS. So when he got the chance to make something for the Amiga using AMOS, he jumped at the chance: This is how his game "Wrong Way Back" for the CD32 came about, which he wrote entirely using the Amiga emulator FS-UAE.

He goes on to say that the game is more of an experiment than anything else, which is why it is so short. He wanted to create a game in which you are trapped in a room that is constantly changing. As a result, the style of play is also constantly changing. (dr)

[News message: 01. Dec. 2022, 06:54] [Comments: 0]
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