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DIY project: Building an Amiga 2000 (part 5)
'Drygol' is a member of the demoscene group Lamers and basically deals with retro computers in the form of restorations, upgrades etc. On his site he not only offers various retro articles, but also runs a blog. Among other things he describes there his project 'Tesseract', the building of an Amiga 2000 from scratch with all maximum modifications. His project is based on the GitHub project of 'Floppie209', a replica of the Amiga2000 motherboard with Sprint layout. After the first four reports (1, 2, 3, 4) he published the fifth blog post of the series yesterday which amongst others is about adding a DVD drive. (dr)

[News message: 03. Nov. 2022, 03:56] [Comments: 0]
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