Programming language: AmiBlitz Pre-Release 3.9.7
A few moments ago, Pre-Release 3.9.7 of the programming language AmiBlitz has been released. Changes:
- environmentlib: added command to check, move and clear the vbr (works only with 68010+)
- added the possibility to the debugger to move the vbr (only on 68010+ systems)
- added documentation for AsmExit (Docs/Blitzlibs/SYSTEM1.guide)
- compiler directives "SYNTAX" and "OPTIMIZE" are now capitalized tokens
- operand sizes for assembler instructions (.b, .w, .l) can now be entered capitalized (.B, .W, .L)
- the compiler understands now shift-operators "<<" and ">>"
- the compiler now allows ROL/ROR instructions to be used in basic code, e.g. test.w = $F0 ROL 2
- rewrote loading of source files other than "ab3"
- crash when moving lines to top via ALT+CURSOR up/down
- crash when trying to copy a single line selection, if it had been selected from right to left
- holding SHIFT-CURSOR up/down did not work continously, just once
- the vbr-chcking of the debugger did not work correctly
- fixed bug in function to display standard (not tokenized) text
- crash when loading text files other than ".ab3"
- crash when undeleteing a line
- autoindent of cursor did not work
[News message: 25. Oct. 2022, 20:18] [Comments: 0]
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