Programming assistance: "AB_Template" offers templates for AmiBlitz 3
Sami Vehmaa wants to get more people to develop games for the Amiga platform and for this purpose offers templates for the RTG variant of AmiBlitz 3 on itch.io with "AB_Template" (YouTube video of version 0.23).
The idea behind it is not to teach AmiBlitz, but to give everyone who dares to start a project a quick start: where you can try out ideas, like different resolutions or how high the graphics load is, so you know if the game idea is feasible.
To avoid having to start with a completely empty project, it offers various ready-made settings, menus or resolutions. Likewise example games are attached (Dino, Playground), with which one can test different resolutions etc.. With the current version 0.29 it introduces small game ideas or concepts, so that the programmer can see what is possible. If the idea is liked, it can be developed further. Here concretely the concept of a slot machine, in next versions then among other things the beginning of a pinball game.
The source code of the games and everything else can be used to write your own games. Excluded are the graphics. Required are AmigaOS3.x, AHI, RTG 16-bit, 68020+, 10MB RAM and AmiBlitz3. Currently "AB_Template" costs about two Euro. (dr)
[News message: 28. Aug. 2022, 07:14] [Comments: 0]
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