Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam: Introduction of two entries
At the beginning of June, indie game developer Dan 'zooperdan' Thoresen had started the Amiga Blitz Basic Game Jam, which will run until September 1, 2022 (amiga-news.de reported).
We would like to introduce two contributions of 'pixelplop': "Deathmine" and "Capacitor's Revenge". Both were written with Blitz Basic 2.10 installed under WinUAE. The developer had learned Blitz Basic on the Amiga in the early 90's and after a 25 year break now found his way back to it.
"Deathmine" (YouTube video) is basically a platform game, with an original idea: the player must escape from the mine as quickly as possible before his oil lamp runs out. Each time you die, you leave a light source in the place where you died, and you return to the last checkpoint. You have an infinite number of lives, but each death costs the player time. As the player, you can only see as far as the lamp in your hand or the stationary ones attached to the walls illuminate the environment. The development is in a relatively early stage.
More complete is "Capacitor's Revenge" (YouTube video). It's a remake of Transistor's Revenge, a shoot'em-up game that came out in 1983 for the BBC Micro Computer. A conversion of this game had been planned by him for a long time: here the player takes on the role of a microchip, in his conversion that of the 68000 processor of an Amiga 500+, which is attacked by electrical components such as resistors and capacitors. One defends oneself by sending electrical impulses along the conductive paths on which the enemies approach. When an enemy reaches the chip, it is destroyed and a life is lost. (dr)
[News message: 07. Aug. 2022, 06:13] [Comments: 0]
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