Farming simulation: Fourth beta version of Farmiga released (update)
The Polish developer 'Tukinem' is writing a farming simulation in AMOS, called 'Farmiga' (amiga-news.de reported). A few moments ago, the fourth beta version (06.08.2022) was released. Changes:
- A farmer has been added to the game who needs to be provided with food and drink. His age and state of contentment are shown in the picture.
- The aim of the game is for the farmer to survive four ages (young, middle-aged, old and grandfather). Then he retires. If the farmer's health declines, his sad face is shown on the photo, and if his health declines completely, the game is lost.
- Additional cultivation of coffee and tea, which can be sold or drunk by the farmer. Coffee or tea with sugar quenches much of the peasants' thirst.
- New mill and cooking sounds.
- Full game time of 8 tax periods.
Hardware requirements: 1,5MB ChipRAM bzw. 1MB Chip + 0,5MB FastRAM.
Update: (12:04, 08.08.22, dr)
The developer uploaded a new adf file today, which now actually contains the sounds of the mill and the cooker. (dr)
[News message: 06. Aug. 2022, 10:31] [Comments: 0]
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