Blog: Introduction of text editor "reED" for AROS and AmigaOS 3
The blog "Amiga alive" not only reports about various software and hardware news, the operator also presents his own, partly older projects in the series AMIGA alive DevLog from time to time. In the latest blog entry, the C-programmer will report about an editor he started a long time ago under the name "proWEB": an HTML editor with advanced features like sophisticated TABLE creation, FRAME management etc. First started for AmigaOS 3, then continued for AROS, but finally stalled.
Development of the editor has now resumed under the name "reED". As the developer reports, "it took me just a day to make all code adjustments from AROS' gcc to AmigaOS' vbcc, including lots of stylistic improvements, and I got a working executable. The code now doesn't use any special compiler features, and should work with gcc, probably SAS-C, etc. just as it does with vbcc. There were a couple of minor differences between AmigaOS and AROS that needed to be taken care of - for example my old AROS system used a font called "ttcourier" instead of "courier"".
"reED" has its own GUI layout engine, it has a large function menu (many functions are not yet implemented), uses ASL file requesters, can edit multiple documents, it can highlight/cut/copy/paste - and it has real tabs with keyboard control.
Even though the editor has been made to work, the developer is still considering whether to continue this project. If, then both AmigaOS 3 and AROS should be supported, whereby he has the hope for an updated vbcc for AROS. As the developer Frank Wille told Amiga-News on request, this is currently not planned. Reason: More than 15 years ago he had created an experimental version. But the official AROS header files are full of gcc-specific (i.e. not ISO-C compliant) instructions and therefore not usable on any other compiler. (dr)
[News message: 01. Jul. 2022, 06:36] [Comments: 0]
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