Marcus Sackrow (Mail)
AmiTube 1.1: YouTube client for all Amiga systems
Marcus 'ALB42' Sackrow's AmiTube enables watching YouTube videos on an 68k Amiga. They are converted to Commodore's CDXL format and downloaded.
With version 1.1 released today, the 'Fancy List' introduced a few days ago is integrated into the program: a new list function where title, description and thumbnail are displayed directly in the list (amiga-news.de reported). After switching to this variant, the images are loaded automatically, making it suitable only for faster Amigas/RTG or NG Amigas (YouTube video). The author tested the new feature on his Amiga 1200 with TF1260, AGA and 32 colors and found: "it’s not that bad, certainly fast enough to work with it." The changes in detail:
- Fancy movie list
- updated translation for italian and french
- encoding bug fixes (should show now umlauts and other non ASCII chars in title and description)
- smaller bugs fixes related downloading movies
The current version can be downloaded from the AmiTube website or installed via the update check in AmiTube. (dr)
[News message: 11. Jun. 2022, 22:03] [Comments: 0]
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