Real-time strategy: Vanilla Conquer V1.0 released
Artur Jarosik is known for various game ports like the platformer Hydra Castle Labyrinth or the action adventure Heart of Darkness besides his SDL implementation of the browser NetSurf. As a contribution for the AmiGameJam he started to port the first part of the realtime strategy series Command & Conquer to the Amiga and named it "Vanilla Conquer" (amiga-news.de reported).
According to his developer log, today he has released version 1.0 providing the following changes:
- Fixed radar map display
- Fixed few enforcer hits
- Fixed Ion Cannon recharge time (was 0)
- Added ability to show FPS under F5
- Added ability to enable/disable framelimiter under F4
- Replaced Riva with FroggerNG
- Changed riva.txt to player.ini
- Added an alternate icon by P.Cotter
The game is intended for Amigas equipped with Apollo/Vampire V4 or PiStorm/Emu-68 expansions.
If you want to support the author, you can do so on his Patreon site. (dr)
[News message: 16. May. 2022, 10:18] [Comments: 0]
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