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Emulator: QEMU 7.0 released
QEMU is an open source computer emulator and virtualizer. QEMU is able to emulate a complete computer in software without the need of hardware virtualization. So it is possible to emulate Amiga operating systems like AROS, AmigaOS or MorphOS on QEMU. This support is provided by QEMU developer Zoltan Balaton, who gives lots of tips and info on a dedicated webseite (see also our Excursion of Amiga operating systems on non-native hardware).

As he tells us on request, he did not make any improvements in this development cycle that could have been included in version 7.0, which was released three days ago. A preliminary sound support for Pegasos2 does not work properly yet and he does not have the time for bug analysis. There had been some changes to the PPC CPU emulation by others, but whether that improved the emulation of the Amiga operating systems or not would just have to be tested. In any case, all supported systems would still boot. (dr)

[News message: 22. Apr. 2022, 15:12] [Comments: 0]
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