THEA500 Mini: 'Citadel' and user manual available
Starting April 08, interested users can purchase the THEA500 Mini (in North America only on May 31).
If you want to shorten the time until then, you can already study the user manual. Furthermore, the first game of the Bonus USB Games Pack has been released with Citadel, which we reported about a year ago, and can already be downloaded. According to Saberman's YouTube video, this is version 1.3, in which some bugs have been fixed, gameplay and player controls have been improved, and the game's graphics and level design have been updated. The game is basically intended for the THEA500 Mini, but was here tested on an A1200 with 8MB FAST-Ram. (dr)
[News message: 26. Mar. 2022, 21:34] [Comments: 0]
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