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ACube Systems (Mail)

ACube Systems: Sam460LE boards announced / Pre-order campaign
Press release: After many months, we are so happy to announce we are very close to a production start for a new batch of Sam460 boards. Well, these will not be Sam460 but Sam460LE, i.e. Limited Edition.

Due to the pandemic time and huge delays in delivering hardware components, we had to spend a lot more time than planned to find all components for a production run. Finally, we reached a point where we need your help to start this production.

We are now taking pre-orders for these Sam460LE boards. You can find a pre-order product right now in our online shop.

All Sam460LE bundles are made of:
  • Sam460LE board running up to 1.1 Ghz
  • Micro-ATX form factor with enough space for double slot graphic cards ;-)
  • MicroSD Slot at the rear of the board, so it can operated from the back.
  • 1 backplate
  • AmigaOS 4.1 FE
  • final price is 735 Euros VAT excluded (european countries should add 22% VAT).
Pre-orders will be processed as follows:
  • you can pay now 240 Euros (VAT excluded, see above), for a Sam460 package
  • we'll announce on all social media when the production starts
  • we'll also announce when the production has been completed
  • you will be asked one by one, to complete your payment (basically, the total cost minus what you paid as the pre-order)
  • first payment, first served. We'll ship in the same order we receive the remaining payments.
  • in case you decide to ask for a refund, we'll send your money back without condition.
Note: people that will purchase outside the scope of this pre-order offer will have to pay a final price of 785 Euros for the same product.

We are happy to work with you on this effort to bring more Sam460 boards on the market and we hope you will join us in this project! (dr)

[News message: 15. Feb. 2022, 05:43] [Comments: 0]
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