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Apollo-Team: Apollo V2 Accelerators Support Statement
Press release:
Dear V2 users, Apollo V2-series have been an extremely successful and hugely loved Amiga accelerator since 2014. Vast amounts of Amiga’s were resurrected from a lonely existence in the attic by “Vampirising” with the V2-600, V2-500 and V2-1200 cards featuring the powerful AMMX 68080 CPU.

Last year the Apollo Team declared the V2 accelerators End-of-Sale and introduced the new V4 range for Amiga 500/1000/2000 (Firebird), Amiga 1200 (Icedrake) and Amiga 4000 (Kraken) ( reported). In this Support Statement we want to give full clarity to our Apollo Vampire V2 user base about the end of the Roadmap for the Apollo V2 accelerators.


Apollo Team has always been and will always be 100% focused on compatibility, giving our users the best Amiga experience.

We continue to collect, analyse and mitigate reported issues from our users, specifically any experiences in game & demo incompatibilities. The recent maintenance v2.15 ApolloCore release for all V2-series shows our commitment and loyalty to V2 community.

For the foreseeable future the Apollo Team will keep bringing new “maintenance” ApolloCore release to V2 accelerators.


The physical limits of the possibilities in the V2-Series FPGA have been reached. This means the current functionality will be frozen, including the support for targeted OS platforms.

In practice, this means there are no new features to be expected. The V2 range will NOT support any other OS than Amiga OS3.x. Users that want to experience all new developments in ApolloOS, including the ApolloBoot multi-OS solution running up to 10 operating systems, are encouraged to look at the new Apollo V4 accelerators.

We hope that this Support Statement gives the needed clarity on the remaining Roadmap for the V2 accelerators. Please give us your feedback or tips for bug-fixes on the Apollo Discord channel: v2-series. (dr)

[News message: 06. Feb. 2022, 08:24] [Comments: 0]
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