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AmigaOS 4: Software performance profiler 'Profyler' for developers
As the author Mike Steed wrote, Profyler "is a software performance profiler - or profiler for short - for AmigaOS 4. It allows the execution speed of the various functions that make up a program to be measured, facilitating optimization of the program to improve its performance.

More specifically, Profyler is a deterministic profiler, which adds code to the program being profiled in order to implement the profiling functionality. It uses the -finstrument-functions feature of the GCC compiler, which means that it only works with C and C++ programs compiled with GCC. It also means that a program must be compiled and then linked with LibProfyle in order to be profiled; you can't profile a program that you can't compile." (dr)

[News message: 22. Jan. 2022, 05:41] [Comments: 0]
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