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Video documentary on Trackers: 'The Sound of 16-Bit'
Stuart Brow regularly posts documentary-style videos on his YouTube channel Ahoy about video games and their impact on culture. As a one-man team, he is responsible for all aspects of production: script, graphics, voiceover, gameplay recording, editing, and music.

In his last video documentary he takes the audience back to around 1984 - the dawn of 16-bit computing, and the emergence of a new style of computer music. And he also wrote:
"Ever since I did 'A Brief History of Graphics', I wanted to do a similar treatment for sound & music - but rather than attempt to cover everything in a single video, I thought it would be better to focus on a single topic. This time it's trackers - a format dear to me as it was my introduction to computer music."

And so his tracker time travel touches among other things also the Amiga programs "The Ultimate Soundtracker", "OctaMED Soundstudio" or "Digibooster".

Whereas he had previously financed his productions with advertising revenue, he now relies entirely on his audience and is happy to receive financial support on his Patreon page. (dr)

[News message: 06. Jan. 2022, 11:54] [Comments: 1 - 06. Jan. 2022, 16:53]
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