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Windows: DOpus cooperation with Haage & Partner terminated
The file manager Directory Opus, originally from the Amiga and commercially continued for Windows only, which has been open source in the Amiga variant since 2012, was previously distributed by Haage & Partner (H&P) in Germany, with their support page, including a forum, still being online.

The company, which was responsible for AmigaOS 3.5 as well as 3.9 and had been entrusted with the original AmigaOS 4.0 development as well as bringing Bernd Meyer's emulator Amithlon in a package as Amiga OS XL to the market in 2001, had given up the distribution of its Amiga products in 2006.

The German DOpus support was managed by Markus Nerding, who was co-founder of H&P in 1995 along with Jürgen Haage and Jochen Becher. Now, however, he runs his own website under, which is named the official German support site. In addition, all registered Directory Opus users are supposed to have received an e-mail, which we document below, stating that H&P is no longer allowed to sell the program. In fact, on the website of the Australian manufacturer of DOpus, GPSoftware, H&P is no longer linked, as a comparison of the current product page with the August version reveals (right column, upper part).

The email text reads (translated from the German original):

"Dear DOpus customers,
today we would like to introduce the new German support website at and It is run by Markus Nerding, who has been taking care of the German translation of Directory Opus since the beginning of the Windows release. He and his team will take care of your questions about Directory Opus.
Unfortunately we had to end the partnership with our longtime German distributor Haage & Partner. They are no longer allowed to sell Directory Opus and we hope that they will also discontinue the former Directory Opus website and forum.
We are very happy about the new German support website, where you can already find first tutorials and tips. More content will follow bit by bit. Please have a look at
Many greetings
the DOpus team
GP Software" (snx)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2021, 09:28] [Comments: 0]
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