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Status update and pre-ordering for the game 'Jump'
In mid-July we reported that Polish developer Markus Duda is in the process of converting the game Yoomph, originally written for the Atari, for the Amiga. In it, you have to use a bouncing Amigaball to move around in a three-dimensional tunnel, hitting various (bonus) surfaces along the way. This YouTube video shows the gameplay on the target platform: an Amiga 1200 with 4 MB Fast RAM.

As the developer reports on his site, the work is nearing its end. The engine, the music and the game logic are ready. The graphics, gameplay and level maps are being polished. The finished game should have the following features:
  • 28 levels
  • 5 music tracks
  • Resolution of 320x256 in 256 coliurs
  • Game can be played with joystick or keyboard
An Amiga 1200 (14MHz) with at least 6MB Fast RAM is required. The game, which was originally announced for the fall, should now be available in spring 2022. Duda has now started a pre-order campaign for the boxed version: It will include the game on CD and USB. Also included is a manual and interviews with the author as well as a surprise. Jump' can be pre-ordered via PayPal or bank transfer for 45 Euros or 50 US Dollars. There are also shipping costs (DHL package) depending on the destination region:
  • Zone 1 (19 Euro): Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Spain, Ireland, Monaco, Portugal, Romania
  • Zone 2 (17,5 Euro): Italy, Croatia
  • Zone 3 (16 Euro): Great Britain
  • Zone 4 (12 Euro): Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary
Likewise, the game is delivered with UPS to the USA for 32 US-Dollars and to Australia for 80 US-Dollars. (dr)

[News message: 25. Nov. 2021, 06:36] [Comments: 0]
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