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A-EON is already internally testing Alpha releases of their own operating system
Allegedly, A-EON's OS4 licenses expired quite some time ago and sources claim the company is not trying to apply for a new one. has now received screenshots from an anonymous source that seem to be from a private forum A-EON is running for their betatesters. The screenshots show a posting from late May, in which Matthew 'Amigakit' Leaman announces the availability of the first Alpha release of "Enhancer Software Release V54". The term "Operating System" is never used, but Leaman's description clearly refers to a standalone system.

Leaman refers to the download available to Betatesters as a "Distribution". It's said to be a bootable ISO image, although the installation instructions explain how to use an existing AmigaOS 4.1 installation to set the new system up. The OS modules not yet reimplemented for the Enhancer project need to be copied from an existing AmigaOS installation into a drawer of the Enhancer system called 'Legacy:' - the distribution's installer apparently takes care of that. Leaman's description of the process is like this: "We are no longer installing the Enhancer Software over the OS 4.1.The OS 4.1 files are complementing the main Enhancer Software system".

In his announcement, Leaman lists the developers who have contributed to the project so far (surnames added by staff where known):
  • Classes, Commodities: Daniel, Massimo [Tantignone], Thomas [Frieden?]
  • Datatypes-System: Kevin
  • Multiview, MultiEdit, X-Dock: Andy [Broad]
  • Utilities, preferences, system tools: Fredrik [Wikstrom], Javier, Guillaume [Boesel]
  • Neue Sensor-API, rejuvenated Mediatoolbox: Andrea Vallinotto
  • Updated versions of Ringhio: Max [Tretene]
  • Warp 3D Nova, (upcoming) modernised 2D graphics: Hans [de Ruiter]
  • Shell commands: Constantinos
  • Icons, other artwork: Martin [Merz]
Other components owned by A-EON such as MediaToolbox, DVPlayer and the original Warp3D will "of course" (Leaman) also be included in the distribution. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 02. Jul. 2021, 21:52] [Comments: 0]
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