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Third part of textadventure series: Silk Dust
After Two Days to the Race and The Queen's Footsteps, Davide Bucci has released the third part of his textadventure series named 'Silk Dust'.

About the tasks of the player the author has written: "Today is April 19, 1907. You, Emilia Vittorini, arrived yesterday in Varenna, on the shore of the beautiful Lake Como. You are hosted at the magnificent Villa Briccorosso; Princess Lucilla Briccorosso is preparing the Silk Road Race, a 10,000km rally raid between Cairo in Egypt and Peking in China, to be done by car. You represent ITA, founded by your father, the company that built the car the Princess just bought to use during the rally. The car is supposed to be delivered today. Your role will be to assist the delivery and make sure everything is perfectly functional".

Obviously the author has used real persons and places. Its history he has explained in a separaten article. The game is available for several platforms like Amiga, C64, ZX Spectrum etc. The author asks for reporting "typos, errors and bugs". (dr)

[News message: 13. Jun. 2021, 08:42] [Comments: 0]
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